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Reservoirs on the territory of the Avalon Flex residential complex

  • Avalon Flex

до 18 May 2023

We would like to clarify the situation around the reservoir on the territory of the Avalon Flex residential complex.
The AVALON team always feels responsible and fulfills its obligations to the co-owners of the AVALON residential complex and the residents of Lviv. Our business reputation and our relationships with partners and customers are important to us.

Regarding the information that appears on social networks regarding the reservoir in the Avalon Flex residential complex. As previously declared by our team, the AVALON company confirms its intentions to improve and restore water bodies on the territory adjacent to the residential complex, and these intentions have remained unchanged since the start of the project.

The improvement project plans to provide a green zone, an important and mandatory element of which will be the restoration and improvement of water bodies.

Also, as part of the implementation of the project, it is planned to arrange a public space available for walks and rest both to residents of Avalon Flex and to every resident of the city.

Despite baseless conjectures and publications on social networks, our company operates within the framework of current legislation and follows a permit algorithm, which includes processes for approving documents with the city. Right now, we are at the stage of agreeing on the intentions of the project development and restoration of reservoirs.

Today, the AVALON company has taken on the responsibility of bringing the territory of the land plot into proper condition, thus forming a renewed center of recreation and leisure for the public.